The Last NewGameEveryDay Quarterly Review

It is done. The fourth and final quarter of playing a new game every day is over! Let’s see what the remaining days were like!

The stats are:

  • 365 days passed
  • 96 new games recorded (final count: 375 new games)
  • 0 days missed PERFECT STREAK (final count: 6 missed days)

Check out this link to see them all:

Montage of screenshots of 64 of the played games

Oh, it feels good to not miss a single day. Streaks are really a powerful gamification element. Consistency feeds into itself and pushes on, even in the face of activity fatigue.

I would say this quarter leaned more towards puzzle games and visual novels. These are typically less popular genres but they actually afford a lot of decision making and can be very interesting.

I’ve learned a lot and my mindset about games have changed for the better. I think my big takeaway is thinking about games as input-function-output makes it easier to distill and eke out its essence.

I’m happy I did this and even happier it’s over. Time to move on to other things!